About Us & Our Products

We Are Brad & Laura

First Things First...

We at Practical And Fun Products believe that the customer should come first, not the business. This is why we offer high-quality products at outstanding prices. We work directly with manufacturers to offer you the absolute lowest price on the best products you won't find anywhere else. You won't find our products in Walmart.

Plus, by running an online business over a local brick and mortar business our expenses are significantly lower which allows us to lower our prices.

We're Very Selective Of The Products We Choose To Include...

We really are! Quality of the product is important. There are a lot of low cost gimmicks out there and a lot of cheap crap, none of which we will include here! This is because we are building a business that will have our clients coming back month after month to purchase from us, which will only happen by offering quality products and taking really good care of our clients.

In addition we would hope our clients will share our site and their experience of doing business with us with their family, friends and Facebook friends. This is the greatest way a customer can show their appreciation and acknowledge we're doing a great job of serving them. If you see a really cool product you think friends and family will also like just copy the product detail page URL to a Facebook post on your timeline so your friends and family can see it and quickly jump to the product page.

You should also know, as a standard rule of thumb we don't include any products with less than a 4.5 rating (the high majority are 4.7 and above). Just like you, hearing what other customers of the product have to say about it is important to us.

We have access to millions of products with each one going through a rigorous analysis before we choose to take it on.

We have chosen to take a few products on with a lower than 4.5 rating but that's because the majority of the reviews were solely about the shipping time and had nothing at all to do with the quality of the product. We include the rating for each product on the product page. If it's not there it's simply because we forgot to add it because of being so busy adding products to our website.

Having said that, let me discuss shipping with you.

Shipping Time...

First, we are not Amazon who negotiated a contract with the postal service for free shipping. In addition we don't have mega-warehouses across the country and in other countries around the world. Yes, we market to consumers across the globe. Our first two sales were from consumers in the United Kingdom so depending on where the supplier is located it could make more sense to have them mail the product to the consumer. Whatever it takes (and is within our ability) to get the product to the consumer faster is what we'll do.

Expect shipping time to be around 2-3 weeks due everything involved in processing orders. Our first month blew away our projections and we did a lot more business than anticipated. Because we are very upfront about the shipping time and because we offer such great prices on our high quality products most people are very understanding of this time frame. 

Speaking of price, consistently we're priced even lower than Amazon for the same product.

It takes man hours to process each order. If we don't have the product in our stock then we request the supplier to drop ship it to our clients so they don't have to wait for it to be shipped to us and then our shipping it to them, or if the client is in a country where the supplier is closer it would again make more sense for the supplier to drop ship the product to the client. It would be foolish to do it any other way because this gets the product to our clients faster.

We try to include the Delivery Days with each product so you'll have an idea of how long it will take to get it.

Holiday orders can increase the time due to the amount of mail with the different mailing services and the magnitude of orders.

We would ask you to plan appropriately when you need a product by a specific date and allow a little leeway for things beyond our control like the weather, for example.

If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us because we are here to serve you...

Email: info@practicalandfunproducts.com
Phone: 509-926-5529 Ext 207

The Type Of Products We'll Be Carrying...

We have two product sites:  https://www.practicalandfunproducts.com/ (PaFP) and https://www.statementmakingproducts.com/ (SMP). Each serves a specific purpose.

At PaFP our focus is on products to make your everyday living easier and better. This could include a great smart watch which will also help you stay on top of your health, items for the kitchen, a great pair of sunglasses, etc. There will be all kinds of products around your everyday living.

Don't be surprised if we throw a few other products in our store just solely because we think it's a great product or is focused around a holiday or event. This is true for both of our stores.

We also want to include fun products because we all also need to have fun.

At SMP it's all about making a bold statement like telling someone you love them or that you're sorry.

Products here are meant to invoke an emotion. We all have things we stand for and are passionate about, and we have people in our lives who are very important to us and we want to let them know how we feel about them.

Common themes are messages of love to your spouse, your children, your parents, grand-parents, and grand-children. We're excited about this because it'll give you a little insight to things we do to keep our love for each other so strong. A lot of the items will be new and unique. 

At SMP we also have a collection for Double Wolves. Check it out and read the article of why we're including a collection focused around Double Wolves. It's part of our story.

We will also have products that could be considered controversial. Trump, for example, evokes all kinds of emotions, both positive and negative. It would make sense we'd include Trump products because of this. Remember, the name of the site is Statement Making Products. 

We truly hope you like the products we'll be offering at both sites. We know you'll appreciate our attention to the details and the level of customer service we offer.

To help you with the process of purchasing from us we have also included a page which explains the shopping cart and how to make a purchase.

Removing Products From Our Store...

Products that don't sell or are low sellers will be removed from the store. We will only provide products that our clients have an interest in. While we may think a product would be of interest to a lot of people the number of purchases of a product lets us know if we have a product with mass appeal or not.

Therefore, if you see a product you believe your friends and family would like email them a link to the product or share a link to the product on your Facebook feed. Just like in our offline business we only provide products that are of interest to consumers. Any product could be removed due to low sales. 

We've already received emails from people asking about a product they've seen on our site that is no longer available. Generally, once we remove a product it's removed forever, and considering our products are unique and not products you'll typically find locally at a general store if you don't purchase them when you run across them in our store you may miss out on that product all together.

Who We Are...

We are Brad and Laura. We've been together for 22 years now and have one of those incredible relationships everyone admires. We share a very deep love for each other.

Between us we have 5 adult children and 10 grand kids. We absolutely love our family and our many family get-togethers throughout the year. We are raising 2 of our grand kids. Yes, they keep us young.

Brad has been a business owner since 1985, way before the internet was created. He's always maintained an extremely high level of customer satisfaction because he takes business very seriously and knows that the only reason a business will succeed is because of taking exceptional care of the clients and providing excellent products.

With Practical And Fun Products (PaFP) and with Statement Making Products (SMP) we are bringing Brad's 34 years of business experience with us. Laura brings her incredible organizational skills and incredible taste in products.

Together they are running this business.