Are you ready to be mosquito free this summer?

Join our vibrant community to experience a combination of fitness and pure enjoyment of movement that is different from your usual, self-torturing fitness program.

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360 Degree protection, irresistible to mosquito's... They're dead, you're eating in peace!

What Makes The 360 Mosquito Killer So Effective Allowing You To Have An Evening Of Peace?

Here's the top 3 reasons why our clients love the 360 Mosquito Killer...

Just Because It's Incredibly Quiet Doesn't Mean It's Not Incredibly Effective...

The 360 Mosquito Killer is super quiet at only 35 db. That's something our clients love. Even with the powerful fan inside which pulls the mosquito's in removing them from your area, you'll still be having nice conversations which won't be interrupted by a loud fan!

LED Biomimetic Lightwave To Lure and Trap More Mosquito's

The soft LED light won't hurt your eyes or kill your night vision! But to a mosquito the specially designed biomimetic llightwave is irresistible luring more of them away from you so you can have a peaceful mosquito free night.

USB Power... Run it from your smartphone, laptop or plugin

Use it at home, while camping or just about anywhere because we all take our smartphone with us everywhere we go. Peaceful camping and relaxed outdoor events without those pesky mosquito's. Just plug it into any USB device including a power pack and enjoy your evening mosquito free!

Section 1
How It Works

1) The key is the LED Biomimetic Lightwave which attracts the mosquito's to the device. It's irresistible to the mosquito. 

2) Once they get close the powerful fan sucks them in. It's amazingly powerful while also very quiet at only 35 db.

3) Once in there's no escape for them. 

4) They literally dry up and die. You just remove the bottom holder and dispose of the dead mosquitoes.

Section 2
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Section 3
Tempus imperdit lorem donec

Vivamus accumsan metus tortor. Morbi vehicula mi vitae laoreet elementum. Aenean malesuada posuere augue, et rhoncus tortor finibus sit amet. Donec quis nunc eu urna tempus dignissim. Donec quis rhoncus justo, quis porttitor orci. Quisque ipsum nibh, scelerisque ac lacus pretium, tempus imperdiet lorem. Suspendisse consequat mauris at orci porttitor, in dictum tellus mattis. Pellentesque at sem elementum, eleifend mi sit amet, interdum libero. Donec ac mollis purus. 

Testimonial/Author Section

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur blandit non augue vel volutpat. Donec pellentesque turpis eget ipsum lobortis mollis. Proin sit amet eros sed lorem scelerisque porta. Proin accumsan ac tellus eu efficitur. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Etiam imperdiet neque dui, nec maximus odio aliquet in. Sed consequat feugiat sapien, eget aliquam dui pulvinar id.

Marie Doe

CEO of Incorp

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LP-Mosquito Killer

Are you ready to be mosquito free this summer?Join our vibrant community to experience a combination of fitness and pure enjoyment of movement that is different from your usual, self-torturing fitness program.Join up today and get our "get set to sweat" guide as a free bonus!360 Degree protection, irresistible to

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LP-Mosquito Killer

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